.ie Domain Name Registration Requirements Ireland - iccmhosting.ie

How to Register an Irish .ie Domain name

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.ie Domain Name Registration Requirements Ireland

Order an Irish Domain Name

    .ie Domain Names can be registered by individuals, companies or small businesses, clubs and other organisations, we offer free .ie domain names to charities, any applicant just needs to have a connection with Ireland such as living in Ireland or running a business/club in Ireland

    Applicants only need to provide one document to prove identity and connection to Ireland such as an Irish passport or registered business/company number

    .ie Domain Names for Businesses

    To demonstrate a connection with Ireland as a company, small business or self-employed person, just provide ONE of the following:

    • Registeed Business or Company number, RBN/CRO number
    • VAT number (company registered in Republic of Ireland / Northern Ireland).
    • Tax clearance certificate from Ireland’s Revenue Commissioners (or other correspondence from them showing your VAT number).

    .ie Domain Names for Individuals

    To demonstrate your connection with Ireland & evidence of personal identity, just provide any ONE of the following:

    • Irish Passport.
    • Irish/UK driver’s licence (showing an address in the island of Ireland).
    • Irish/Northern Irish bank statement (showing an address in the island of Ireland)
    • Official College ID (issued by any educational institution recognised by the Department of Education)
    • Public Services Card issued by the Department of Social Protection

    When you sign up for a domain name we will send you an email requesting the details and you can email these back to us

    Order an Irish Domain Name

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    • Domain Registration

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